Dickinson County Information
History lives in this county like no other in the U.P. Not only will you find stories of our nation’s past in Dickinson County, but you can also find your own stories as your family creates new memories. Enjoy the slower pace, the milder weather and unique attractions.

Events throughout the summer will add a little spice to anyone’s visit, and as summer gives way to fall colors, you can see some of the most spectacular scenery across the Upper Peninsula. When winter is ushered in, snowmobiler’s find a network of over 120 miles of trails tracing the county’s interior, with access to the rest of the UP and into Wisconsin. As the snow melts, spring waters flow through the county to wake up the wilderness from winter’s rest. Rivers now are swelling to allow canoeists and kayak’s travels, and trout fisherman. As warmer weather ushers into spring and summer, the only limits to activities are your own.

The history of the area still lingers through local museums and attractions. The Cornish Pump is the largest steam-driven pumping engine built in the USA. It is a National and Michigan Historic Site. The Menominee Range Historical Museum hosts over 100 exhibits from the 1800’s and on. Iron Mountain Iron Mine in Vulcan will give visitors a chance to see what the mining was like in the early days. In 2012, the World War II Glider Museum opened to display a fully restored World War II Glider. Gliders were built at the Ford Plant that was in Kingsford, and this glider is only 1 of 8 in the world on display. The Millie Mine Bat Viewing area provides a new home in an old mine for tens of thousands of bats. And a new addition to the area is the UP Vietnam Veterans Memorial atop the most scenic Pine Mountain Jump.

Population 27,472
Iron Mountain • 8,150
Kingsford • 5,435
Norway • 2,896
Total Land Area • 766 square miles
Public Land • 220,000 acres
Acres of Lakes • 6,400 acres
Miles of Rivers • 645 miles
Average Rainfall • 30in annually
Average Snowfall • 63in annually
Average Winter • 11°F (January)
Average Summer • 79°F (July)