Established in 1992, the Fumee Lake Natural Area has over 1800 acres used in a wide variety of non-motorized activities. One of the area’s greatest attributes is its location. A few minutes off U.S. 2 west of Norway and east of Quinnesec, it lies within five miles of Dickinson County’s most populated metro areas, a fact that a visitor is not able to detect due to the sheltering of the surrounding hills. The Fumee Lake Natural Area has a number of unique features. Fumee Lake and Little Fumee Lake provide a total of five miles of undeveloped shoreline. In addition to numerous wetlands, 507 acres of surface water holds a fishery deemed "very remarkable and unique" by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. The area has historically been home to a number of rare or threatened species including the Bald Eagle, Common Loon, and seventeen species of orchids. Three plants on Michigan's Threatened Species list are found here: Walking Fern, Purple Cliff-brake and Marsh Grass of Parnassus. The Fumee Lake Natural Area is used by educators to teach students about ecology. A number of non-motorized recreational opportunities await its visitors. Hiking, biking, bird watching, and nature photography in the spring, summer, and fall; Cross country skiing, fat tire biking and snow shoeing in the winter months. Everyone is welcome to enjoy this four-season natural area
Trailhead located within Gene's Pond State Forest Campground, six miles north of Flecth via County Road 581 to Leeman Road. Over two miles ideal for hiking and biking. Two and a third miles of trail through upland hardwoods and aspen forest stands.
Iron Mountain City Park is a municipally run 69,2 acre regional park located adjacent to the Pine Grove Country Club in the west central portion of the City. Park Amenities: Bocce Ball Courts,Soccer-Football Field, 2 Tennis Courts, Walking/Biking Trail, Frisbee Golf, 23 Picnic Tables, 2 Water Faucets, Rest Room Building, Enclosed Deer Habitat, Large Log Pavilion (Amenities and Rental Information), 4 Small Log Buildings (Avail. for rent), Children’s Playground, Sandbox, 2 Large Swing Sets, Merry-go-Round, 2 Multi Play Apparatuses, 2 Small Swing Sets, 2 Spring Animal Play Apparatuses, 3 Teeter Totters, Small Climbing Play Apparatus. Winter Recreation Large Sledding Area with staircase and lighting, Cross-country Ski Trail system.
This trail traverses some hilly terrain and offers good hiking and mountain biking opportunities, as well as being groomed for cross-country skiing (traditional). It includes three loops with one loop for beginning skiers. Access to this trail is from two locations. From Florence, take State Highway 70 west 12 miles to FR 2154. Turn left and go south 1/4 mile to the trailhead on the right. Parking for 12 vehicles is on the left. Or from Florence, take State Highway 70 west 15-1/2 miles to FR 2450 turn left and go south 1 mile to FR 2156. Go southeast 2 miles to trailhead. Parking for 4 vehicles is on left (east).
Michigan DNR recreation passport required. One of the most scenic and popular natural attractions in the river corridor is Piers Gorge. It contains some of the fastest-moving water in Michigan and Wisconsin. It is not navigable for general canoeing (class IV to V white water), but still offers beautiful scenery and good wildlife viewing from shore. It has become one of the more popular destinations for expert class kayakers in the eastern U.S. An undeveloped foot trail parallels the gorge for ½ to 3/4 of a mile.The Piers Gorge hiking trail includes hills, rocks and rugged terrain, making the trail challenging. The trail begins with a map at its trail head, followed by two foot bridges. Wooden markers direct you to four piers along the river trail. The first pier includes a scenic stop, small rapids and a steep hill to climb. Pier 2 follows another steep climb and strong rapids. Between piers 2 and 3, find more steep spots, scenic viewing locations and very strong rapids. Pier 4 has two markers, the first near a grassy meadow, and the second closer to the river. Past the fourth marker there are very steep boulders to climb, and the trail ends after approximately 3/4 miles in a grassy meadow full of ferns.
5.5 miles. Located on the northern end of the City of Niagara, you can access these walking trails from Highway 141. Take Washington Avenue east about 1/2 mile to Tyler Road, turn left at the 4-way stop. There are three trail heads along the est side of Tyler Road with parking. Take time to hike, bike, cross country ski, or snowshoe in this pristine area. Enjoy the wooded beauty of the seasons along these trails from the upper ridges overlooking the Menominee River Valley or down along the river and wetlands.