Iron Mountain and the Dickinson County area, in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, offers many opportunities for ORV/ATV riders. Whether it is on a state-designated trail, forest road or shoulders of county roads, the county offers a wide range of trail conditions and spectacular scenery. In Norway, ATV’s must be used in the city limits, in Iron Mountain and Kingford you may use outside of the city limits. ATV’s may be used on the sides of county roads (paved and unpaved.) You may cross state or U.S. highways if you come to a complete stop and cross at 90°. Trail permits for ORV’s are $26.25, plus an additional $10 if you are going to use a State of Michigan designated trail. They can be purchased locally and online at Michigan’s DNR. Additional information may be found at (Upper Peninsula Off-Road ATV Riders). Check out their Uproar Trail Talk on their Facebook Page for questions and discussion.